
I am empathetic that there are real reasons for where we are at in life.  Let’s accept that and see where you can go from here.

I help people understand issues in their lives
and guide them towards what is meaningful to them


Confidentiality is a bedrock of
our service.  Nothing is shared without your permission
or unless required by law.



I like people

Since I was a child I was interested in what makes people tick.  I realise most people are just doing the best they can with what they have been served up in life.  I like working with people toward greater understanding of why they do what they do, and clarifying what they value most in life.  I can teach you skills to help you accept what cannot be changed, and improve what can be.


Bachelor of Counselling
(Australian College of
Applied Psychology 2018)
PACFA Accredited #30581

NDIS Worker Screening
National Police Certificate

Chitton Rocks, near Hayborough


$150 individual 60 min session

contact me if money issues
prevent you from booking